– SPRING 2013 –

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Catalog description: Study of human body structures including organ, tissue, and cellular relationships. Involves extensive use of models, specimens, histological material, and dissection. Cadaver materials and demonstrations used. Intended for students entering the health professions. This course is not repeatable. Lecture/Laboratory. Transfer CSU, UC (CAN BIOL 10) (CANBIOL SEQ B) (CC BIOL 10) General Education: (CSU-GE: B2)

Instructor David G. Ward, Ph.D.
Office: Science building Rm 230 Phone: Office 575-6752;
e-mail: webpage:

Office Hours:






11:00 AM-12:30 PM

4:45-5:45 PM

11:00 AM-12:30 PM

4:45-5:45 PM


Textbooks / Materials Required:

Ward, D. G. Atlas of Anatomy for Allied Health, bluedoor, 2010
ISBN: 9781599841595.

Ward, D. G. Human Anatomy with Laboratory Exercises, 2012. (Available online only).

Textbooks Optional:

Martini, F., Timmons, M., and Tallitsch, R.  Human Anatomy, Benjamin-Cummings, 2012.
ISBN: 9780321688156.

Course Learning Outcomes:  Students successfully completing ANAT 125 will be able to:

  1. Describe the parts, from cells to tissues to organs, that the body uses to protect itself and produce movement after studying the integumentary, skeletal and muscular systems.
  2. Demonstrate the parts, from cells to tissues to organs, that the body uses to take in nutrients and gases and to transport substances around the body and release wastes after studying the digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular and lymphatic systems.
  3. Explain the parts, from cells to tissues to organs, that the body uses to communicate between cells after studying the nervous and endocrine systems. 
  4. Describe from cells to tissues to organs, how the body maintains fluid balance and reproduces after studying the urinary and reproductive systems.


Grading: Grades are assigned based on points earned from laboratory practical exams, Scantron® exams, laboratory drawings and labeling, and a final exam, as follows:

  1. 1 quiz: laboratory practical (45 questions each) (format: fill-in); Scantron® (#882) (45 questions) (format: matching) = 90 points
  2. 6 exams: each laboratory practicum (90 questions; format: fill-in, 90 points);  Scantron® (#882) (80 questions ; format: matching, 80 points); 170 points x 6 = 1020 points
  3. Drawings or diagrams of anatomical structures from the laboratory exercises labeled by hand (DUE at beginning of lab on day of each quiz / exam) = 225 points (NOTE: pre-labeled material is not acceptable)
  4. Comprehensive final exam: Scantron® (#884) final (format: matching; 15 questions from quiz, 30 questions each from exams 1-5) = 165 points
  5. No make-up work will be allowed unless extraordinary circumstances are involved. Laboratory practicums cannot be made up.
  6. Grade distribution

A: 90 -100% 1350 –1500
B: 80 - 89% 1200 –1335
C: 70 - 79% 1050 –1185
D: 60 - 69%  900 –1035
F: 00 - 59%  000 – 885

The Academic Senate has created an academic integrity policy for students at MJC. This policy is part of the Student Code of Conduct.

"The grading of a student’s work rests on the fundamental idea that an instructor is evaluating a student’s own work, so cheating or plagiarism demonstrates a failure to complete this most basic requirement of any course. Thus a faculty member may administer academic consequences for violating the Academic Integrity Policy ranging from partial to no credit on an exam or assignment.

Attendance: It is the responsibility of the student to drop a course that she / he are no longer attending. However, the instructor may drop a student after two consecutive days of non-attendance unless arrangements are made in advance. Avoid absences and leaving early.

Cell phones: Please turn off and do not use cell phones during class.  Use of a cell phone or other mobile device during a quiz or exam will result in no credit for that exam.

Eating and drinking are not permitted in the classrooms especially in the lab rooms.

Suggestions for success:

  1. Get and use the:
    1. Human Anatomy with Laboratory Exercises
    2. Atlas of Anatomy for Allied Health.
  2. Draw pictures of the anatomical structures from the laboratory exercises and label them by hand (15% of your grade).
  3. Study a small amount of material at a time.
    1. Identify and name structures thoroughly before moving on to something new.
    2. Be able to explain functions before moving on to something new.
  4. Establish study groups in and out of the lab.
  5. Take advantage of the laboratory time.