Peripheral Vision and Visual Pathways



To explain in short essays or diagrams how changes in peripheral vision can be associated with damage to the retina or central neural pathways, or reflect tumors in the brain, at the level of 85% proficiency for each student.


In order to achieve this objective, you will need to be able to:

  1. Measure peripheral vision in two axes.
  2. Explain the anatomy of the visual pathways



Group Supplies:

colored pencils or pens

visual field diagrams

cutout of cross section of brain

four colors of string to represent axons

four colors of beads to represent cell bodies

Descriptions of the dorsal column parthways and spinothalamic tracts are available as a supplement: Somatosensory and Pain Pathways

Lab Supplies:

disc perimetry device and target wand

Methods and Results:

Peripheral Vision


  1. Occlude the left eye.
  2. Hold the large plastic half disc horizontally against nose.
  3. Have the subject look at the center dot.
  4. Hold wand 1 cm to the temple side of the center dot and move outward until the peripheral target disappears. (A temporary disappearance at about 15o is normal.) As a check repeat the test starting at 90o and move toward the center.
  5. The nasal field is tested in the same manner.
  6. To test superior and inferior fields hold the disc vertically.
  7. Repeat with the right eye occluded.

Visual Field Diagram – Right Eye





Visual Field Diagram – Left Eye




Visual Pathways 

Construct each pathway using a different color.  Include the cell bodies, axons, and synaptic sites for each pathway.  Label each nucleus and tract as they are relevant.

Use the following description and table as a guide.

Visual pathways



Left Eye

Right Eye

Left Half

Right Half

Left Half

Right Half

Left Optic Nerve

Right Optic Nerve

Optic Chiasm

Left Optic Tract

Right Optic Tract

Left Optic Tract

Right Optic Tract

Left Superior Colliculus

Left LGN

Right Superior Colliculus


Left Superior Colliculus

Left LGN

Right Superior Colliculus


Left Visual Cortex

Right Visual Cortex

Left Visual Cortex

Right Visual Cortex






Pathways to Primary Visual Cortex



Pathways to Superior Colliculus




  1. The retina extends farther forward on the medial (inside) of the eye than the lateral (outside). Did this affect the findings?
  2. Why is the superior field less than the inferior field?
  3. What accounts for the temporary target disappearance sometimes noted when testing the temporal fields?
  4. Could retinal damage be localized based on the results of this test?
  5. Think of the situation where reduced field "tunnel vision" could be dangerous.
  6. Reduced field of vision is often a symptom of glaucoma. Can you offer an explanation for this occurrence?
  7. Diagram the pathway and neurons involved from the retina to the visual cortex.
  8. Describe how the tectal system (superior colliculus) pathways are involved in the control of the extrinsic eye muscles, circular muscle fibers of the iris, and ciliary muscle.
  9. Describe the visual disturbance that often accompanies a pituitary tumor. Explain why this particular pattern is observed.
  10. If a patient reported that he could not see with his left eye, how could you tell if the problem was the optic nerve or the optic radiation? Explain.


© 2006 David G. Ward, PhD All rights reserved, Last modified 25 August, 2005